Aug 6, 2021
Web Design

Three ways your website design can turn clicks into customers

Whether you are starting a new business or looking to grow an existing one, your website should sell your product/service by representing everything your company is; your image, intention and ideology should be easily understood by first-time viewers, and it should keep them hooked.

It's not enough for your website to just be functional, your site needs to attract visitors and convert, but changing clicks to customers takes a thought-out and calculated design that considers these three factors:

1. Target audience

Let’s go back to the basics, it’s easy to get hung up on ideas of flow and function, but when you make any decision with your web design you must always remember your target audience. The best way to make your website stand out is by letting the user guide it. The more you know about their expectations and needs, the better equipped you will be in finding what will interest them through your design, and keep them hooked.

By considering their needs and expectations your target audience should believe, not only that you considered them when creating your website, but that you are like them.

2. Call To Action

So you’ve got a click... now what? You want to keep in contact with your visitors and convert them into leads, encouraging future use of your services/purchase of your products. This can be achieved through strategic CTAs on the page that will entice further interaction by being eye-catching or intriguing enough for potential customers to take action immediately. Copy is also especially important here, but that’s another article

3. Responsive

We are always on the go, smartphone users are supposed to grow by over 300 million by 2022 worldwide (Statista). If your website works and flows well on a desktop, but falls to chaos on your smartphone or tablet, then you are losing a huge proportion of potential customers. An easy, slick navigation is what users expect, anything less creates a negative association not only with your website but also with your company as a whole. Assuring that your website looks good on mobile and desktop is essential to converting clicks to customers.

A website which considers these three points (and much more) can grow your business exponentially. The world's shift online is an exciting one - so why not put your best foot forward and embrace all its possibilities?
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